Microsoft top most management team members

Microsoft Corporate Bios

nadellaSatya Nadella
Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft Corporation
Before being named CEO in February 2014, Nadella held leadership roles in both enterprise and consumer businesses across the company. He was the was executive vice president of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group and previously, led R&D for the Online Services Division and was vice president of the Microsoft Business Division. Nadella joined Microsoft in 1992.
gatesBill Gates
Founder, Technology Advisor and board member, Microsoft Corporation
thompsonJohn Thompson
Microsoft Board, Chairman
John W. Thompson joined the Microsoft Board in February 2012 and became independent chairman of Microsoft Corporation on Feb. 4, 2014. Thompson is the chief executive officer of privately held Virtual Instruments, whose products are designed to ensure the performance and availability of applications deployed in virtualized and private cloud computing environments. Thompson is also the former chairman and CEO of Symantec Corp.
shumHarry Shum
Executive Vice President, Technology and Research
Harry Shum is responsible for driving the company’s overall technical directions, including mid-term and long-term technology strategy and forward-looking research and development efforts. He oversees Microsoft Research, one of the world’s premier computer science research organizations and its integration with the engineering teams across the company. Dr. Shum joined Microsoft Research in 1996 as a researcher based in Redmond, Wash and, previously, served as the corporate vice president responsible for Bing search product development from 2007 to 2013.
smithBrad Smith
President and Chief Legal Officer
In this role Smith plays a key role in representing the company externally and in leading the company’s work on a number of critical issues including privacy, security, accessibility, environmental sustainability and digital inclusion, among others. He also leads a team of business, legal and corporate affairs professionals spanning 55 countries. These teams are responsible for the company’s legal work, its intellectual property portfolio, patent licensing business, and the company’s government affairs, public policy, corporate citizenship and social responsibility work. Smith joined Microsoft in 1993, and before becoming general counsel in 2002 he spent three years leading the LCA team in Europe, then five years serving as the deputy general counsel responsible for LCA’s teams outside the United States.
luQi Lu
Executive Vice President, Applications and Services
Dr. Qi Lu leads Microsoft’s Applications and Services business across productivity, communications, education, search and other information services. He sets the vision, strategy and overall direction of the Applications and Services group, and is responsible for all of the research and development teams across Microsoft Office, Office 365, SharePoint, Exchange, Yammer, Lync, Skype, Bing, Bing Apps, MSN and the Advertising platforms and business group. Previously, Dr. Lu was the president of the Online Services Division, where he led the company’s search, portal and online advertising efforts.
haupterRalph Haupter
Corporate Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Greater China Region
Ralph Haupter has been Corporate Vice President and Chief Executive Officer of Greater China Region at Microsoft Corporation since April 13, 2012. In this role, he is responsible for the strategic and operational leadership of Microsoft GCR. Prior to this position, Mr. Haupter worked as VP and COO for Microsoft Germany. He also previously served as head of the partner division for Europe, Middle East & Africa and General Manager of Microsoft’s Small and Midmarket Solutions & Partners group for Western Europe.

Source : Microsoft

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